13-7-2009 Game News : GhostX Online: heroic Nanobot
With the type of graphics and animation play action rapidly strong GhostX title game is quite attractive because employers JC Internet (South Korea) issue.
There are a lot of MMORPG game currently applied graphics in the form of game, Online GhostX also follow to save this movement. However, the feature of the game is the quick actions of the characters combo kì very beautiful. Context of GhostX is the modern combination of mysterious magic, in which players will create a community for itself and make the adventure.
Name game: GhostX Online
Hãng issued: JC Entertainment
Hãng development: N / A
Category: MMORPG Status: Open Beta
Home: ghostx.gamengame.com
With the nature of action quickly, you can equip once more "Nanobot" next to the special skills and convert them back in the battle. System of the game's quite simple, you can communicate with the NPC and receive tasks from them. From there, you will expand from the map and to accept new challenges: destroy some quái certain things in game screen, collect objects subject .. etc. Also, the main tasks are the sub-tasks which, if completed you can "make more" experience points or rewards preciosity.
Online GhostX download here. đây.
Some images GhostX Online:
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