Régie CPM : Money-Cpm

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

5-8-2009 Game News : WoW 3.2 Preview: Isle of Conquer Strategy

Genre:Fantasy Status:Final
Dev: Blizzard Entertainment Pub:Blizzard Entertainment Fee:P2P Area:US
CB Date:Unknown OB Date:Unknown Release:12/24/2004 Hot:594188

Call of the Crusade, the World of Warcraft Patch 3.2, is now live! Under thundering skies, Argent Tournament participants have honed the arts of war and faced off in bone-shattering jousting matches to earn the right to be called champions. But these heroes have yet to face the greatest challenge of all: the Crusaders' Coliseum, an all-new level-80 raid dungeon available in both normal and more challenging Heroic versions for both 10 and 25 players. Call of the Crusade also introduces the new Isle of Conquest Battleground, the ability to gain experience points in Battlegrounds, new daily quests, and significant changes to class talents and abilities. Click HERE for more Official news

How to dominate the hole Battleground, Isle of Conquest? Here are some experience from Test Realms. Now, entering the game!

Isle of Conquer - WoW screenshot

Main Objectives: To break the massive walls of opponents' keep and slay the General (You will face 300%+ ATK from the General while reducing your DMG to 5% if you try a kite),OR cause the opposing side’s reinforcements (start with 300) to reduce to zero.

How to destroy the hard ramparts and twelve Keep Cannons?

Isle of Conquer - WoW screenshot

1>The Siege Workshop
Seizing The Siege Workshop situated right between the Alliance base and the Horde base to get the graveyard attached to the siege workshop on an oil spill island in the center of the map and two kinds of siege vehicles, Demolisher and Siege Engine, with bombs.

Isle of Conquer - WoW screenshot

A limited number of 4 Demolishers is allowed at the same time and three seats are offered for one pilot and two passengers. The pilot has two skills, and can reduce the enemy keep's walls to dust and ashes with melee attacks or seaforium bombs. Though the passengers don’t have special skills, they can attack the enemies without receiving any damage.

Isle of Conquer - WoW screenshot

Siege Engine, the most complex machine in the WoW history, provide three seats for one pilot, one main cannoneer and one assistant cannoneer. You will get one Siege Engine which has 35WHP each 5 mins after seizing The Siege Workshop.
The pilot has such skills as melee attacks and charge, just like engineer vehicle. The main cannoneer has a long range attack skill, a powerful AoE attack. Through using bombs, main cannoneer can cause 6000+ damage each and NO CD. Assistant cannoneers can use flame turrets on the Siege Engines and help bomb-dropping.
Bombs can also reduce the enemy keep's walls to dust and ashes and can be used every 10 seconds till Azrael comes to you.

Isle of Conquer - WoW screenshot

2>The Dock
Seize the dock in the western shore to get the southwest graveyard and two kinds of light vehicles, Glaive Thrower and Catapult. A ship will send the vehicles to the shore after seizing the dock. If you lose control of the dock, the ship will sink immediately and vividly.
The Glaive Thrower moving at a high speed can unleash a single attack skill, Blade Salvo, with 30s CD and a sustained blade attack.

Isle of Conquer - WoW screenshot

Catapult can launch passenger over the walls to assault the keep from within. It has another skill called sprint. After activating the skill, you’ll run really fast, indeed.

Isle of Conquer - WoW screenshot

After landing on the hathpace, you may become a hero that destroys the Keep Cannons, or a "lucky guy" that has an intimate contact with opponents who are heartless and cruel. xD~

Isle of Conquer - WoW screenshot

3. The Airship Hangar
Seizing The Airship Hangar, This sturdy steel structure stands on the peak of Mt. Conquest overlooking the eastern side of the island, allowing players to board the airship docked there, can get the northeast corner (attached to the airship hangar) and airships with the powful artillery support. This time you have a chance to be a clone of airborne troop as men in Band of Brothers.

Isle of Conquer - WoW screenshot

Isle of Conquer - WoW screenshot

Isle of Conquer - WoW screenshot

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Isle of Conquer - WoW screenshot

Isle of Conquer - WoW screenshot

Isle of Conquer - WoW screenshot

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