20-7-2009 Game News : Ten Bad Things You May Have Done for Gaming
1. Gender Play
It is a new entry on the must-do list in game for a badass. More and more players are found faking their online identity, changing their gender without a transsexual surgery. Don't believe my words? Someday you might become aware that the hot chic whom you are talking to is actually an ugly fat guy.
No one's gonna be a fool forever. Video chat has become our savior. But there are still tricks you can play. I have personally experienced one of these tricks. When I was in an internet café, there was a guy seeking help from his gal pal who was sitting right next to him when video chat was requested. But the funny part was after the conversation went on for a while, that girl turned her head back toward the guy and said "XXX, your husband is going to give you YYY (gear name)". The boy's face was flushed with shame, and if you know nothing about the trick, you might feel astonished when you heard what the girl said. Anyway, you have to pay for the bad things you've done.
2. Hit on a girl
We are pulled together to play a MMO for different reasons, such as PVP enjoyments, forging friendship, or a chance to meet myriad hot girls. There are some tips I want to share with each of you about how to hit on a girl. Tip 1: Don't lose your nerve even if you have been rejected by a girl a million times. You are not supposed to be scared of rejection. Tip 2: Compliment, no comments. Try to make up as many excuses as possible to compliment them and make them believe you are really appreciating them. Then they will sure be willing to talk to you. Tip 3: Smile at them and be charming, even though you can only see coldness in their eyes.
Bearing in your mind, in the online world, you can flirt with any girl. If you don't want to end up alone, be a bad boy. Keep aggressive until girls in your dream become mates in your gaming life.
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3. Take advantage of Bugs
In common parlance, this can be called "take petty advantages". Many newly-released games have bugs which allow players, for example, to become invincible, or corner the BOSS. It's not easy to find these bugs on your own. It's more likely to these information through guild or friends. Of course you can take as many petty advantages as you can. But do get away from those big advantages since nobody will come to any good if the publisher gets pissed off. Do you still remember that Exodus, one of the most powerful WoW guilds, got banned by Blizzard? (Exodus has been banned for exploiting Yogg'Saron +0. Their bans will last 72 hours.)
In January, 2009, game bug happened in Final Fantasy XI too. Square Enix Banned a large amount of players fro abusing the bug: "allowed players to create multiple items for certain treasures and rewards in areas such as Salvage and Assault by exploiting the game system."
4. Trade Gears and Accounts with Real Money
Many players might have done this before but didn't even realize it was illegal. Some of my friends indeed got their accounts banned for the reason that they traded gears in game. Although GMs have their reasons to do so, item trade is in fact beneficial to most of us. The prevailing cash transactions in game gave rise to gold farmers who however, are actually the lesser of the evils. The real evils are those bastards who steal accounts. Remember how raged you were when your account was stolen? And can you resist the seducement when someone offers you with an excellent gear at a very cheap price? I think most of us feel gloating for getting a real bargain. But to prevent our accounts from being stolen, we have to cooperate with the publishers who never want their virtual items to get depreciated.
5. Play Spies
Acting as a spy is a very evil yet exciting thing to do in game. There are always players who enjoy imitating movie or TV plots and go play spies in the opposing faction.
Being a spy is evil enough already. However, those who are aware who is the spy but choose to keep silent are even more evil. For instance, a guild decided not to get rid of the spy they have found but instead, it humiliated the opposing guild by releasing a guild announcement, which is extremely evil. Check out the announcement below:
"xxx, you think I don't know your spy has stayed in my guild for half a month? But do you know how long our spy has been in your guild? Let me tell you, it' been more than one month! "
6. Bloodshed
Slaughter is the daily existence in game. Many players, particularly youngsters are blood addicts, war maniacs and hungry for hack-n-slash thrills. Their adrenaline-fueled hearts pushed them to rush into the maelstrom of battle without any hesitation. Many players will be morphed into a devil while fighting. One of my friends has ever grouped with other players and stormed a newly opened server. After hitting level 20, he chose to wait outside the newbie city and kill anyone who passed by at retina-searing speed. His outrageous slaughter lasted 7 days, and wrecked havoc on the server: no one could manage to reach level 20.
You may think he is off the chain. But for us, there you go, buddy.
7. Play Hooky
When you're at school, if you want to play games, you will have to do something bad from time to time, like play hooky or skip dormitory checkups, which make monitors and teachers worry and annoyed. Your passion for playing games will never run out. And what you did only helped increase internet cafes' earnings and made those pizza house owners happy.
I can still remember what we yelled when we ordered pizza in the dorm: "Wanna order pizza? 3 gold per piece, PM me if you want. I'm going back to town if no one wants to order."
Even so, we are not the worst kind. Lots of people even dropped out of school just in order to play games: 17 Year Old Quits School To Play Counter-Strike
8. Flood the Screen
With the increase of the number of free online games and swindlers, more and more players like to flood the screen. Sometimes I wanted to sell items through World Channel but just couldn't get a chance. GMs, please don't make our gaming life so difficult just for selling those broadcasts. I just can't understand why there are so many players who are willing to dump so much money buying broadcasts to flood the screen.
Broadcast: http://news.mmosite.com/content/2009-06-10/20090610033533810,4.shtml
9. Disgusting Names
Sometimes you have to admit that players are mischievously talented. Whenever looking at all these character names used in the game, I will be in awe over an appalling display of their wisdom.
Read the following examples to get an idea:
This is a Classic: Hehe haha
another one : warsabi myass Gnome warrior
another: **** Yaright ogre Female
another one really long: Imsosexyimastar Yayayaweknowyouare LOL troll female
Another: Upmyass iknowitfeelsgood halfling cleric
crucifythegms (banned)
gmslikedildos (banned)
You know a more disgusting name? Share it!
10. Dirty Word Prank
What is good about a word prank is you can hide behind the screen and laugh your heart out while you are poking fun at anyone and sit tight and picture the scene on your mind that these unhappy retches' rage reaches a boiling point but without a place to vent. What classic entertainment.
Here is a typical example. A player named his Hunter character "Your wife and I" and his pet "have an affair". In the game, when a character's pet attacks another player, a message will pop up saying: XXX (character name)'s XXX (pet name), gives you a deadly blow. So whenever my friend's pet attacks an opponent, a message will pop up saying: Your wife and my pet have an affair, gives you a deadly blow." This player seeks a cheap way to spice up his opponent's gaming life. It is really annoying, right?
By mmosite
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